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Cellular Health

This formula can literally make you feel 15 years younger.“
Dave Asprey, Best-selling Author

Over 30? Age On Your Terms.

• Helps naturally eliminate senescent cells.

• Only needs to be taken 2 days a month.

Turn back the clock on your aging symptoms.

• Helps Counter Age-Related Joint Challenges*

WHY Qualia

How We Age

Ever Hear of “Senescent Cells?”

They’re also called “zombie cells”. Because they’re old worn out cells that linger in our body long after we’d prefer them to die, no longer serving their useful function. Almost like old leaves on a plant wasting energy and resources without adding health to the plant.

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Senescent Cells
Accumulate As We Age.

As we age, our bodies become less effective at a process called apoptosis, which is the healthy elimination and replacement of our aging cells. This causes senescent cells to begin accumulating in us, leading to a wide variety of symptoms associated with aging.

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Aging Symptoms Of
Senescent Cell Accumulation.

  • Declining physical and mental energy.
  • Longer recovery needed from physical activities.
  • Increased joint stiffness and discomfort.
  • The “middle aged” feeling of age-related decline.

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Senolytic Ingredients
Help ELIMINATE Senescent Cells

Senolytic ingredients are the biggest discovery in aging
science of the last decade, but very few people have started
taking advantage of this medical breakthrough.

The Aging Breakthrough Of The Decade.

In 2015, researchers at Mayo Clinic and Scripps discovered there are naturally occurring ingredients that help the human body eliminate senescent cells. These ingredients are now called “senolytics” from the latin senex which means “old”, and lysis which means “to destroy”, as in destroying old senescent cells.

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Research-backed Senolytic Ingredients Include:

Fisetin: a flavonoid that supports tissue by helping prune stressed cells. Piperlongumine: an extract from the Asian long-pepper plant that promotes senolytic and immune function. Senactiv®: A patented blend of notoginseng root and chestnut rose hips that supports management of senescent cells in muscle. And many more.

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A Comprehensive Senolytic Formula Is KEY.

Senescent cells are experts at hiding and surviving (hence their “zombie cell” name). That’s why Qualia Senolytic combines 9 non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free senolytic ingredients that each support different aspects of eliminating senescent cells.

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Qualia Senolytic

Clinically Tested

Two-day Cell Rejuvenation Regimen

$79.00 $39.50 first shipment, $69.00 thereafter
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100 Day Icon Money Back Guarantee
 Clinically Tested Formula*
 Can be taken with any Qualia product*
 A Favorite of Healthcare Practitioners
 Patent Pending Formula

Qualia Senolytic’s Age-Defying Ingredients:

Qualia’s science team has been researching the emerging science of senolytic ingredients since their discovery in 2015. The artful blend of nine of the most researched-back senolytics in precise and complimentary dosages, led to the promising results of Qualia Senolytic’s double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. These nine ingredients are at the absolute frontier of nutritionally optimizing human aging:


Quercetin is a yellow plant pigment shown to support pruning of stressed cells and healthy changes to their behavior. But quercetin is poorly absorbed by the human body. Quercefit® is a unique and patented Phytosome® formulation of quercetin created to overcome this bioavailability obstacle. By creating a quercetin phytosome complex using sunflower lecithin, the bioavailability is dramatically enhanced.


Fisetin is a flavonol found in certain fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries and persimmon. Like quercetin, it was one of the first senolytic ingredients ever discovered, and boasting one of the most impressive bodies of research of all senolytics. Fisetin has been strongly correlated with supporting body tissues by helping with pruning of stressed cells.


Luteolin is a yellow plant pigment used for centuries as a yellow dye. In fact, the latin name for yellow is luteus. Luteolin has a very similar molecular structure to quercetin, and much like fisetin, luteolin has also shown evidence of senolytic properties by helping to manage senescent cell elimination.


Curcumin is the pigment in turmeric that results in its yellow-orange coloring. Curcumin appears to have senolytic potential in intervertebral disc cells, but much like quercetin, it has poor bioavailability. LONGVIDA OPTIMIZED CURCUMIN® EXTRACT was developed to overcome this bioavailability hurdle and has been researched in human studies in areas including cognitive function, mood, exercise recovery, and joint health.


Piperlongumine is an alkaloid found in many species of pepper plant, and found in abundance in the Asian long pepper plant (Piper longum), particularly in its root structure from which we source our piperlongumine. It is the only natural compound known to support a novel mechanism that helps manage senescent cells called oxidation resistance 1 or OXR1.


SENACTIV® is a patented blend of notoginseng root and chestnut rose hips. It has been shown to support exercise recovery and management of senescent cells in muscle. This provides an asset within our formula to help counteract the slow workout recoveries that are common with the human aging process.


Oleuropein (a secoiridoid polyphenol) is found in high amounts within olive leaves. Our particular olive leaf extract is standardized for 40% oleuropein. A 2020 study showed that oleuropein supports the management of senescent chondrocytes—chondrocytes are the cells that create cartilage and support healthy joints (an area of our bodies which commonly experience noticeable negative aging symptoms).


The seed-like fruits from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) have been in Mediterranean diets for over 2,000 years. The main active substance in milk thistle is silymarin. Our extract is standardized to 80% silymarin by spectrophotometry, and has potential in playing a complementary role to other ingredients in Qualia Senolytic, particularly the stressed cell support of curcumin.


Soybean seeds, like most legumes, contain a type of bioflavonoid called isoflavonoids. Our soybean seed extract is standardized at 40% isoflavones which shows promise as a having a complementary role in our overall formulation. Daidzein, for example (an isoflavonoid in our extract) is one of the top four compounds identified as a possible candidate for helping manage some types of senescent cells.

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of today's brightest minds in business, sport,
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