Our refund policy is very simple.
Feel 100% Satisfied within 100 days or get a 100% refund.
100% in 100 days - Money Back Guarantee.
Feel 100% Satisfied within 100 days or get a 100% refund. There is no hassle. If you do not love Qualia for any reason, simply get in touch via phone, text or email and let us know you’d like a refund. We will provide a return label and instructions to process your refund. That’s it.
100 Day Money Back Return Policy is valid for return and full refund within 100 days for one unit of each of our products per household. It does not apply to additional units or subsequent orders.
Limit one (1) guarantee per product, per household.
For orders placed on Amazon, initiate a “Request a Refund” ticket through your Amazon account.
After you press the Buy Now button for the Subscription or Single Purchase option on the Qualia Shop page you will find the ability to add a discount code on the right side of the screen under Have a discount code?
If your order has already shipped, we're unable to cancel said order since it's already en route. If you notify support@qualialife.com while your order is processing, we'd be happy to cancel it for you.