Akkermansia Study

We are seeking 100 participants who want to participate in a study where you’ll be taking a probiotic product for 14 days. The product is intended to support areas related to gastrointestinal health and leaky gut. All participants will receive the test product. Participants must be willing to take the supplement daily with or around dinnertime, and to complete study-related questionnaires. All participants will start on the same day and take the supplement for 14 consecutive days.

We will ask you to fill out surveys before starting the product, and periodically through the study. 

*US Only

Participation Requirements:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Provide voluntary, written, informed consent to participate in the study
  • Agree to provide a valid cell phone number and are willing to receive communications through text.
  • Healthy male and female participants between the ages of 21-75 years of age.
  • Willing to complete questionnaires, records, and diaries associated with the study.
  • Willing to discontinue taking magnesium-containing supplements that contain ≥ 150 mg of Magnesium per serving during our study.
  • Willing to not begin taking any new supplements during the study period, and to continue taking any supplements they are currently using regularly.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant during the trial
  • Known food intolerance/allergy to any ingredients in the product
  • Having any of the following conditions: Psychiatric conditions, neurologic disorders, cancer
  • Having had a significant cardiovascular event in the past 6 months
  • Reports a diagnosis of liver or kidney disease
  • Taking MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric or neurological medicines
  • On immunosuppressive therapy
  • Individuals who were deemed incompatible with the test protocol
  • Adults lacking capacity to consent
  • Unable to read and understand English
This beta test is no longer accepting applications and is currently in progress.