Nootropic Study

We are seeking 80 participants who want to participate in a study where you’ll be taking a nootropic product for 15 days over a 19 day period. The product is intended to support areas related to motivation, energy, and focus. This study will include a placebo group, so some participants will receive a nootropic and other participants will receive a placebo supplement. Participants must be willing to take 6 capsules of the supplement daily in the morning, and to complete questionnaires during the study period.

The participants will be compensated with $75 in Qualia Life Sciences store credit upon completion of the study and all surveys.

All participants will start on the same day and take the supplement for 5 consecutive days, followed by 2 off days, then repeat for 3 consecutive weeks.

Participation Requirements: (see section where inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed)

*US Only 

This beta test is no longer accepting applications and is currently in progress.