NAD+ Study

We are seeking participants aged 40 to 65 to participate in a new product study aimed at boosting NAD+ levels. This will be a double-blind placebo study lasting approximately 7 weeks, which includes a 3-week preparatory phase and a 4-week period of product consumption. All participants will receive a 28-day supply of either a NAD+ boosting product or a placebo. The daily dosage is 2 capsules, to be taken every morning. Participants must be willing to adhere to this dosage throughout the study.

Upon completion of the study, all participants will receive a $50 credit at Neurohacker. Additionally, those who received the placebo and completed all required surveys will be provided with a bottle of NAD+ post-study. It is worth noting that study participants often incorrectly guess whether they are in the placebo or active product group. Please complete the study fully and wait for your product group to be revealed after the study's conclusion.

NAD+ levels at the beginning and end of the study will be measured using a self-administered blood drop collection kit that requires participants to draw blood drops from their finger using a fingerstick. Additional information will be collected through weekly self-report questionnaires, which should take approximately 10 minutes to complete at each assessment. Each week, you will also fill out a self-reported diary, answering questions about your adherence and any noticeable side effects.

Participation Requirements:

  • Provide voluntary, written, informed consent to participate in the study

  • Agree to provide a valid cell phone number and are willing to receive communications through text.

  • Healthy male and female participants between the ages of 40-65 years of age.

  • Willingness to complete questionnaires, records, and diaries associated with the study.

  • Willing to not consume any supplements, energy drinks/shots, or other products containing any form of supplemental vitamin B3 (e.g., niacin, niacinamide, nicotinamide ribosome, NMN) starting about 4 weeks prior to the baseline NAD fingerstick test and continuing through the intervention period.

  • Willing to not begin taking any new supplements during the study period, and to continue taking any supplements they are currently using regularly (with the exception of vitamin B3 containing supplements).

  • Willingness to self-administer the Jinfiniti intracellular NAD fingerstick test kit at home for both a baseline and post-intervention blood sample, and to complete a release form that gives NHC access to the results of these tests.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant during the trial

  • Known food intolerances/allergy to any ingredients in the product

  • Having any of the following conditions: Psychiatric conditions, neurologic disorders, endocrine disorders, cancer

  • Having had a significant cardiovascular event in the past 6 months

  • Taking MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric or neurological medicines

  • On immunosuppressive therapy

  • Individuals who were deemed incompatible with the test protocol

  • Adults lacking capacity to consent

This study is being conducted by Neurohacker Collective.

This beta test has been completed