Senolytic Study

We are seeking 56 participants to partake in a study of our healthy aging product, Qualia Senolytic. The product is formulated to help the body eliminate the stressed cells that accumulate with aging (i.e., senescent or zombie cells). You can find out more about Qualia Senolytic and its ingredients in our blog  The Formulator's View of the Qualia Senolytic Ingredients.

Participation Requirements:

  • Healthy adults 35 – 79 years of age
  • Can read and write English
  • Agree to provide a valid cell phone number and are willing to receive communications through text
  • Willing to not begin taking any new supplements during the study and continue taking any supplements they are currently using regularly.
  • Willingness to complete questionnaires, records, and diaries associated with the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant during the trial
  • Known food intolerances/allergy to any ingredients in the product
  • Having any of the following conditions: Psychiatric conditions, neurologic disorders, high blood pressure, heart conditions, endocrine disorders, cancer
  • Taking MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric or neurological medicines
  • On immunosuppressive therapy
This beta test has been completed