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Do I have to take the full dose of Qualia Senolytic spread out over two days?

No. The Qualia science team believes the best approach to taking senolytics is to follow a “hit and run” approach (i.e., take senolytics for up to several days in a row followed by a break of at least 2 weeks), but a “hit and run” approach can be achieved in several different ways. Our general recommendation is to take the monthly dose spread out over 2 days (this is the most common approach in ongoing studies*), but this should be considered as more of a guideline than an absolute rule. The monthly dose of Qualia Senolytic can also be spread out over 3-4 days or taken all on a single day, as examples. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.

More Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect when I take Qualia Senolytic?
Is it okay to split the dose of Qualia Senolytic between different meals?

Yes. If you want to take part of the Qualia Senolytic with one meal (such as breakfast) and part with another meal (like lunch or dinner) or spread equally between three meals on the days you take it, that would be fine.

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How many calories does Qualia Senolytic have?

The nine high purity herbal extracts used in Qualia Senolytic do not provide any significant amount of the caloric units of energy found within food (i.e., carbohydrates, protein, and fat).

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What is Qualia Senolytic? How Does It Work?

Qualia Senolytic contains a combination of nine vegan ingredients and was formulated to be taken on two consecutive days once a month. It was created to support healthy aging in an area called “cellular senescence.”* But what is that?

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What does this mean? Soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens?

The Soybean Seed Extract used in Qualia Senolytic contains soy isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are a type of bioflavonoid, which is often described as being a phytoestrogen. “Phyto” means plant, so phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic some estrogen functions in the body.

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How should I get started with Qualia Senolytic?

While there are no special instructions for getting started, a good way to introduce anything new is to start small and increase over time.

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Can I take less than the recommended dose of Qualia Senolytic?
Should I take Qualia Senolytic with food?
Are there supplements I should avoid while taking Qualia Senolytic?

There are no known supplement ingredients that need to be avoided on the days you take Qualia Senolytic.

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How can I ensure I get the most out of Qualia Senolytic?