To manage and or view your account, including current status and order history, order recurrence, change password, update shipping address, and payment method, please login to your account.
Reset Password:
2. Go to Your Subscription and then Subscription Details.
3. You will then find the option to apply your discount code in the bottom left.
Of note: The system only allows 1 coupon code to be used at a time, so if your subscription currently has a coupon code attached to it, you will need to 'Delete' that, and then enter and save the new coupon code.
If you're adding a temporary, one-time coupon code and then wish to revert back to a recurring coupon, login to your account after the 1 time coupon code and corresponding order has shipped, delete that 1 time coupon code and then substitute your recurring one back in. Be sure to hit 'Save' so all processes correctly.
You can cancel your subscription at anytime by logging into your account and managing your subscription.