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What is the recommended dose for Qualia Focus?

The recommended dose for Qualia Focus is 2 capsules a day. During the product development, the 2 capsule dose was what we tested. This dose met our criteria for supporting nootropic benefits, and is based on our research of the ingredients included when they are combined together.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Are there supplements I should avoid while taking Qualia Focus?
Do I keep Qualia Focus at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator?
Can I take less than the recommended dose of Qualia Focus?
Can I take Qualia Focus in addition to Qualia Night?
How does Qualia Focus work?
Can I take Qualia Focus while intermittent fasting?
How soon will I notice some nootropic benefits from Qualia Focus?
How much caffeine is in Qualia Focus?
How long does the mental energy boost from Qualia Focus last?
Is it okay if I have my child or teenager take Qualia Focus?