Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis is a spore-forming probiotic (sometimes described as a sporebiotic). It was first isolated in 1832. Bacillus subtilis is considered to be a soil-based organism (or SBO), because it can be found in the soil and in decaying plant matter (like hay). It is also found in the human gastrointestinal tract where it is believed to be a commensal organism (i.e., it is part of our native gut microbiota) [1,2]. Bacillus subtilis have also long been used in foods, particularly in the preparation of alkaline-fermented foods and soy-based food products. Spore-forming probiotics, like Bacillus subtilis, can be thought of as being akin to seeds from plants that germinate and grow when placed in the right conditions. The naturally protected spore form allows Bacillus subtilis to be: (1) stable at room temperature (i.e., it does not require refrigeration), (2) remain dormant to survive the harsh conditions of the stomach, and (3) germinate and proliferate when it reaches the intestine.

TOP BENEFITS OF Bacillus subtilis

Supports digestive health* 

Supports healthy gut microbiota* 

QUALIA’S Bacillus subtilis SOURCING

Bacillus subtilis is a non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan ingredient. 


We chose Bacillus subtilis for a couple reasons. Most probiotics are fragile. They require refrigeration and do poorly when exposed to air and moisture (which they are exposed to when a container is repeatedly opened and closed). We wanted a resilient probiotic.   Bacillus subtilis is resilient: it is shelf-stable and doesn’t require refrigeration. Probiotics are “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host” [3]. The most well-supported benefits they confer are with digestive health—probiotics work in the gut. Bacillus subtilis has been used for supporting gut health since the 1950s.* Lastly, we wanted probiotics that have been used together. Bacillus subtilis has been studied in combination with the two other probiotics we are using in Qualia Synbiotic, Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus clausii. We selected our suggested serving (500 million CFU) to add to and complement the amount of the probiotic blend. [Note: CFU stands for colony-forming units: it is the number of live cells in a serving.]

Bacillus subtilis KEY MECHANISMS 

Supports gastrointestinal health and gut microbiota* 

Supports gastrointestinal regularity* [4,5]

Supports temporary relief of abdominal discomfort* [6,7]

Support mucosal barrier integrity and healthy gut barrier defenses* [8]

Other actions*

Supports bone health* [9]

Supports healthy immune function and signaling* [10–12]

Supports metabolic health* [13]

Supports normal neuroprotective functions* [14,15]

Complementary ingredients*

Bacillus coagulans in supporting digestion, gastrointestinal function,gut barrier function, and healthy gut microbiota composition* [16,17]

Bacillus coagulans + Bacillus clausii in supporting digestion* [18]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


[1]H.A. Hong, R. Khaneja, N.M.K. Tam, A. Cazzato, S. Tan, M. Urdaci, A. Brisson, A. Gasbarrini, I. Barnes, S.M. Cutting, Res. Microbiol. 160 (2009) 134–143.

[2]R.B. Ellis-Pegler, C. Crabtree, H.P. Lambert, J. Hyg. 75 (1975) 135–142.

[3]C. Hill, F. Guarner, G. Reid, G.R. Gibson, D.J. Merenstein, B. Pot, L. Morelli, R.B. Canani, H.J. Flint, S. Salminen, P.C. Calder, M.E. Sanders, Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 11 (2014) 506–514.

[4]A.M. Cuentas, J. Deaton, S. Khan, J. Davidson, C. Ardita, J. Probiotics Health 05 (2017).

[5]M. Hatanaka, K. Yamamoto, N. Suzuki, S. Iio, T. Takara, H. Morita, T. Takimoto, T. Nakamura, Benef. Microbes 9 (2018) 357–365.

[6]C. Penet, R. Kramer, R. Little, J.L. Spears, J. Parker, J.K. Iyer, N. Guthrie, M. Evans, Altern. Ther. Health Med. 27 (2021) 146–157.

[7]S.M. Garvey, E. Mah, T.M. Blonquist, V.N. Kaden, J.L. Spears, Gut Microbes 14 (2022) 2122668.

[8]Y. Liu, F. Yin, L. Huang, H. Teng, T. Shen, H. Qin, Food Funct. 12 (2021) 2201–2210.

[9]T. Takimoto, M. Hatanaka, T. Hoshino, T. Takara, K. Tanaka, A. Shimizu, H. Morita, T. Nakamura, Biosci Microbiota Food Health 37 (2018) 87–96.

[10]J.R. Townsend, D. Bender, W.C. Vantrease, P.A. Sapp, A.M. Toy, C.A. Woods, K.D. Johnson, Sports (Basel) 6 (2018).

[11]M. Lefevre, S.M. Racedo, G. Ripert, B. Housez, M. Cazaubiel, C. Maudet, P. Jüsten, P. Marteau, M.C. Urdaci, Immun. Ageing 12 (2015) 24.

[12]J. Colom, D. Freitas, A. Simon, E. Khokhlova, S. Mazhar, M. Buckley, C. Phipps, J. Deaton, A. Brodkorb, K. Rea, Benef. Microbes 14 (2023) 31–43.

[13]R.E. Trotter, A.R. Vazquez, D.S. Grubb, K.E. Freedman, L.E. Grabos, S. Jones, C.L. Gentile, C.L. Melby, S.A. Johnson, T.L. Weir, Benef. Microbes 11 (2020) 621–630.

[14]M.E. Goya, F. Xue, C. Sampedro-Torres-Quevedo, S. Arnaouteli, L. Riquelme-Dominguez, A. Romanowski, J. Brydon, K.L. Ball, N.R. Stanley-Wall, M. Doitsidou, Cell Rep. 30 (2020) 367–380.e7.

[15]S. Cogliati, V. Clementi, M. Francisco, C. Crespo, F. Argañaraz, R. Grau, J. Alzheimers. Dis. 73 (2020) 1035–1052.

[16]L. Wauters, H. Slaets, K. De Paepe, M. Ceulemans, S. Wetzels, K. Geboers, J. Toth, W. Thys, R. Dybajlo, D. Walgraeve, E. Biessen, K. Verbeke, J. Tack, T. Van de Wiele, N. Hellings, T. Vanuytsel, Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 6 (2021) 784–792.

[17]M. Marzorati, P. Van den Abbeele, S.S. Bubeck, T. Bayne, K. Krishnan, A. Young, D. Mehta, A. DeSouza, Microorganisms 8 (2020).

[18]R.J. Soman, M.V. Swamy, International Journal of Colorectal Disease 34 (2019) 1971–1978.