Concentrated Sea Water Minerals

Concentrated Sea Water Minerals is a standardized mineral and trace mineral complex  extracted from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, an inland sea. It’s obtained through a process in which sodium chloride precipitates, and magnesium and other minerals naturally concentrate, creating a complex rich in magnesium chloride, and containing a full spectrum of trace minerals found in seawater. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and plays a vital role in supporting the function of all living cells. It’s used in more than 300 enzymes. ATP (i.e., cellular energy) occurs complexed with magnesium, so all enzymes utilizing ATP require magnesium to support their activity. The same is true for enzymes that synthesize DNA and RNA, magnesium is always involved. Magnesium also plays a large role in promoting healthy glucose metabolism (glycolysis). Because magnesium supports the electrical functions of cells (i.e., it’s an electrolyte), it’s necessary for muscle and nerve function. Chloride (Cl-) is also involved in many processes in human cells. Chloride is the second most abundant electrolyte in blood serum (after sodium),  and has a key role in regulating body fluids and electrolyte balance.* 


Supports sleep*

Supports cardiovascular function*

Supports mood*

Supports musculoskeletal health*

Supports cellular health*


Concentrated Sea Water Minerals is a source of magnesium chloride containing not less than 34% chloride (34-55%) and 14% magnesium (14-21%). It also contains 60+ other naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals found in the Great Salt Lake (sulfate 1.5-6%, sodium 0.25-0.9%, potassium less than 0.4%, as examples).

Concentrated Sea Water Minerals is a non-GMO, vegan, gluten free and certified cGMP, Kosher, and Halal ingredient.


Minerals can be categorized based upon the amounts the human body needs. Macrominerals include calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur. Our body requires large amounts—more than 100 mg daily—of these minerals. Microminerals are minerals we need in smaller or “trace” amounts, so they are also called trace minerals or trace elements. There are dozens of trace minerals, some of which, including chromium, copper, selenium, and zinc, have essential and well-established functions in support of human health. Many other trace minerals have had less research, but we would naturally consume them in minute amounts in food and water. Concentrated sea water minerals are used to supply a full spectrum of these trace minerals, along with magnesium and chloride. The amount included is intended to augment dietary intake by replacing some of the minerals that may be removed from water with water purification or depleted in soil because of modern agricultural practices.*  


Supports optimal metabolism and energy generation*

Supports the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase in mitochondria* [1,2]

Part of a complex with ATP (MgATP) that is required for many rate-limiting metabolic enzymes* [3]

Supports the activity of rate-limiting enzymes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism* [3,4]

Supports the activity of rate-limiting enzymes involved protein and nucleic acid synthesis* [3,4]

Helps maintain healthy insulin sensitivity* [5,6]

Supports cell signaling*

Supports healthy cellular sodium and potassium influx and efflux* [3]

Supports  healthy cellular calcium influx and balanced calcium signaling* [3,4]

Supports the activity of adenylate cyclase - cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) synthesis* [7]

Supports cell structure*

Maintains stability of proteins, nucleic acids, chromosomes, and biological membranes* [3]

Supports healthy cardiovascular function*

Supports healthy cardiac muscle contraction and heart rhythm* [4,8]

Supports healthy vascular tone* [4,8]

Supports healthy platelet function* [4,9]

Supports brain function*

Supports hearing* [10–16]

Supports healthy neurotransmitter signaling  and optimal neurological function* [4]

Supports the healthy activity of the glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor* [17,18]

Supports healthy glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme function that converts glutamate to α-ketoglutarate, and vice versa* [19,20]

Supports healthy serotonin N-acetyltransferase function - an enzyme that is involved in the day/night rhythmic production of melatonin from serotonin* [21,22]

Supports healthy brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) function* [18,23,24]

Supports healthy neural stem cell proliferation* [25]

Supports healthy brain mitochondrial function* [25]

Supports a healthy mood*

Supports mental well-being* [26,27] 

Supports healthy behavioral and physiological responses to stress* [24,28–31] 

Supports sleep* 

Supports optimal sleep quality* [32–35]

Supports healthy EEG and neuroendocrine responses during sleep* [36,37]

Supports sleep organization and regulation* [38–41]

Supports exercise tolerance in contexts of poor sleep* [42]

Supports muscle function*

Supports healthy muscle contraction* [4,43]

Supports optimal muscle strength* [44,45]

Supports the skeletal system*

Supports healthy bone metabolism/remodeling and optimal calcium absorption* [3]

Supports healthy calcitonin and parathyroid hormone activity* [3]

Supports optimal bone formation* [3]

Supports a healthy gut microbiota*

Supports a healthy composition of the gut microbiota* [46–48]

Complementary ingredients*

Commonly supplemented with calcium for bone support* 

Supports vitamin D metabolism* [49]

B-complex vitamins and melatonin supplementation for sleep support* [50]

Zinc and melatonin supplementation for sleep support* [51]

Vitamin B6 for mood support* [52,53]

Hawthorn and California poppy for mood support* [54]

Antioxidant vitamins for hearing support* [55–57]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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