Lutemax® 2020 Lutein & Zeaxanthin


Macular carotenoids | Macular pigments | Lutein | Zeaxanthin | Meso-Zeaxanthin


Supports vision * 

Supports brain function and cognition *

Supports mood *


Lutemax® 2020 is an award winning marigold flower extract containing a mixture of the three macular carotenoids—lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin. There are two groups of carotenoids. One is called carotenes (like beta-carotene). The other group is xanthophylls. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are yellow in color and belong to this latter xanthophyll group. The chemical properties that result in them being classified as xanthophylls also result in their being able to cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retinal barrier (beta-carotene, as an example, can’t cross either), and make them very good antioxidants. Green leafy vegetables are the best food sources of lutein. Goji fruit may be the best food source of zeaxanthin. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are called macular carotenoids (or macular pigments), because they accumulate in an area near the center of the retina called the macula, which is responsible for sharp, clear central vision—the reason this area looks yellow is because of these macular carotenoids. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin play a vital role in filtering blue light, acting a bit like shade for the macula, which is one of the reasons they are so important for the health of the eye and visual system. Lutein and zeaxanthin are also among the predominant carotenoids in the brain (along with cryptoxanthin), with lutein alone accounting for over one third of brain carotenoids. Higher levels of lutein and zeaxanthin have been associated with healthy cognitive function [1–5].*


Lutemax® 2020 is made from dried flowers of Marigold (Tagetes erecta) and contains lutein + zeaxanthin + meso-zeaxanthin at a ratio of 5 parts lutein to 1 part zeaxanthin/meso-zeaxanthin, which corresponds to the average lutein:zeaxanthin ratio in the US diet.

Lutemax® 2020 is an award-winning, globally-recognized, patented source of all three macular carotenoids, produced by OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd.

Lutemax® 2020 has been used in a number of human clinical trials for areas including vision, brain health, stress, and sleep. A major research emphasis has been for support against blue light and screen time. 

Lutemax® 2020 is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, Kosher, and Halal certified.

Lutemax® 2020TM is a trademark of OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd.


Lutemax® 2020 has been most commonly used in clinical studies at servings supplying either 12 mg of macular carotenoids (10mg Lutein [L] + 2mg Zeaxanthin/Meso-Zeaxanthin [Z/MZ]) or 24 mg (20mg L + 4mg Z/MZ). Studies using other sources for the lutein and zeaxanthin have most often used an amount towards the lower end of this range. Given the responses in Lutemax® 2020 studies, as well as studies using lutein and zeaxanthin from other sources, we consider these ingredients to follow threshold dosing principles (see Dosing Principles), and expect the benefits to occur in this 12-24 mg serving range. Our serving was selected to be within this studied range. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are found in many plant foods in the diet. As lutein and zeaxanthin cannot be produced by the human body, they must be acquired from the diet; meso-zeaxanthin can be produced as a metabolite of lutein but also can be obtained from the diet. Estimates suggest the average daily intake is between 1-3 mg from the diet, though it’s possible to get into the lower part of the 12-24 mg dose range with a diet that is very high in the best food sources of these pigments [6].*



Supports vision*

Supports macular pigment levels* [7–17]

Supports visual function* [8–11,13,16–20]

Supports retinal function* [20,21]

Supports resistance to eye strain* [17]

Supports resistance to visual fatigue* [17,22]

Supports photostress recovery* [16]


Supports brain function*

Supports cognitive performance* [23]

Supports memory* [15,23,24]

Supports sustained and complex attention* [12,15,23]

Supports executive function* [15]

Supports reasoning ability* [12]

Supports cognitive flexibility* [15]

Supports psychomotor speed* [23]

Supports processing speed* [23]

Supports neural visual-spatial processing* [25]

Supports visual processing* [13,14]

Supports spatial memory* [12]

Supports brain activation* [26]

Supports sleep quality* [17]

Supports brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels* [23]

Supports a healthy mood*

Supports healthy stress responses* [27]

Supports emotional health* [27]

Promotes general health and wellbeing*

Supports blood antioxidant capacity* [23]

Influences blood cytokine levels* [23]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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