Qualia Mind Caffeine Free Reviews

Tracey G. - 2022-01-08
Recieved my product fast... excieted to start it today
Alba M. - 2022-01-07
I have been using Qualia mind for 3 years on 5 days on 2 days off. It has cahnged my life and made my mind younger and unspoppable while performing fantastic at work.
Darius J. - 2022-01-06
By far the best product I have ever taken. Allows me to stay focused on school work longer without experiencing as much mental fatigue.
Jesse B. - 2022-01-02
I've tried up to a dozen different nootropics... from your Alpha Brain to Modafinil... and while they all have some great things, Qualia Mind is the only one I could deliberately notice sharper recall and memory, focus, and drive.
Brandon T. - 2022-01-01
Customer service was excellent and I received the product in just a couple of days! Can't wait to try it out! I will leave another review after the first week.
Julian J. - 2021-12-29
Meagan O. - 2021-12-26
I take three a night and I am able to sleep through the night without waking - 7 hours and I am up and refreshed and ready to go!
Adam P. - 2021-12-22
This supplement has helped me manage my small business. It has provided mental clarity and have noticed my ability to problem solve has improved.
Erica C. - 2021-12-17
I’ve been taking the Qualia Mind caffeine free for a few weeks and definitely notice the difference. I feel more focused, which in turn, makes me feel more motivated to get more work done. This stuff is expensive but totally worth it. Plus, I usually take only 4-5 capsules instead of the recommended 7 capsules.
G U. - 2021-12-13
This product make me feel full of energy and I can concentrate better
Samir C. - 2021-12-05
As we age, our brain matter also ages. As a result, It may be more difficult to concentrate or focus. I am always very interested in the ability to focus because focus means accomplishing things we set out to do. Accomplishing your goals means personal growth. Growth means that you now have the ability to determine for yourself the life you want to live. Being tired, exhausted, having brain fog, not being able to mentally focus HINDERS this ability to continue to make the specific decisio...Read more.
John V. - 2021-12-03
good stuff
Martha S. - 2021-11-21
Qualia Mind Caffeine-Free is an excellent product. I have used plenty of other nootropics in my time, but this one would seem to be the best!! It is a little pricey, yes, but for me it's worth it.
Jennifer K. - 2021-11-08
I didn't have much high hopes for this product but it seems to be working pretty well. I can't really explain how I feel, but I don't feel sleepy or lethargic...just an overall sense of well being which I love! I also have the one with caffine in it just to compare, and that one does the same thing, but with a bit of a "caffine-high/jolt" to it so I take that one on days I need to be really alert. I don't take the full 7 capsules like it says, but only 3-4 for now. I do like knowing I don't n...Read more.
Evan M. - 2021-11-03
My absolute go to for a high end nootropic
Kylan W. - 2021-10-30
Bright and stimulating. I have tried so many other Nootropics. Nothing comes close. You're going to Love this product!
Heather M. - 2021-10-26
It's so nice to have (almost) all-in-one supplement options that are high quality and in the right proportions. I've read some complaints about the # of pills per serving, but since it condenses 15-20 other pills into 7 or 8, it's still better. Fewer pills and fewer bottles to deal with every morning.
Brandon W. - 2021-10-26
I take 5 capsules per day, and it works great for me.
Bonnie A. - 2021-10-25
These products Deliver what they c laim. I Highly recomend them as you will fell the difference in a short period of time. Thank You
Robert F. - 2021-10-01
I am pretty consistent about taking Qualia mind five days a week, but sometimes, especially when I'm traveling, I miss a few days. I can absolutely tell the diminishment in my mood, alertness, short-term memory and general level of clarity during those times.
Patrick H. - 2021-10-01
I have been a day-1 Qualia customer (my original orders were on a different login that I lost), and I've used the old formula and the new one. I guess it's called Mind, specifically, now, when I believe it used to just be a single supplement. Since the Caffeine-free one released, I've switched full-time to Caffeine-free, and it's the one supplement, if I had to recommend one supplement to any of my clients (professional trainer), that I would recommend. I feel wakeful and in-body with Qual...Read more.
Mike T. - 2021-09-30
Can tell a difference in my motivation levels when I use this product.
Adam L. - 2021-09-29
Kiki from Customer Support was excellent in providing detailed information and guidance on proper usage and admin of Qualia Mind. After a couple of months, I reported little if any notable cognitive benefits, despite most lifestyle factors (sleep, nutrition, no alcohol or drugs) very well dialled-in, and I was promptly issued a refund. The ingredients list is easily among the best I have found in my research and I hope to try once more, during the holidays, when things are more se...Read more.
James R. - 2021-09-27
Great product! Provides me with a level head throughout the day.
Corey W. - 2021-09-27
Qualia Mind is an excellent nootropic supplement that covers all the bases!