Qualia Mind Reviews

Jon S. - 2022-07-02
I've been taking Qualia since the very first formulation. Very powerful stuff! I use it most days to supercharge my cognitive capacity, and get hyper focused on my daily tasks and goals.
W. - 2022-07-01
Gives me greater clarity and memory and focus.
Matt C. - 2022-07-01
I’ve taken Qualia Mind, on and off for a few years. I love the focus and clarity it provides. It also seems to boost memory some. It’s a little costly but if you can afford it, it’s worth a shot.
Timothy R. - 2022-07-01
Favorite supplement by far
Robert B. - 2022-06-30
I have tried a number of supplements - quite a number - before I stumbled on Qualia Mind. Some of them were excellent, but they don't hold a candle to Mind. This is absolutely the best; I highly recommend it for memory, focus, and - most especially - drive.
Mateusz K. - 2022-06-28
I take this every morning and it really does help to get me into the flow state of mind zone. It helps me to remember things more efficiently which in turn causes me to focus more and become more motivated.
Julie R. - 2022-06-28
I am noticing being more clear minded. Hoping to see more clarity after being on this longer.
Joel M. - 2022-06-25
I feel how I perform better in my job, I remain focus longer on what ever I'm doing.
Dennis M. - 2022-06-24
I just wish I had this years ago. Works like magic
joda p. - 2022-06-24
Just simply revolutionary and amazing after feeling how we should function and operate as human beings. Living everyday life after having our brains work as efficiently and effectively as they really should after becoming nourished and revitalized with the vitamins and minerals our brains have been lacking since probably from the moment of birth. Consuming just one capsule per day should make anyone feel like a super human excelling with whatever their doing as a regular law abiding citizen o...Read more.
Marcello F. - 2022-06-22
Just started taking these and already feel more focused and intentional with my work hours. So far so good!
Alexander R. - 2022-06-22
I had an issue with my product packaging and support was extremely quick and easy to deal with. I had a new bottle in hand in 2 days! Excited to continue trying Qualia Mind with the reassurance that the company has my back.
Marcelo M. - 2022-06-22
Qualia Mind helps me focus for up to 9 hours, it's a game changer.
Nicholas S. - 2022-06-21
Pricey, but great.
Kenneth S. - 2022-06-21
It provides great energy!
Beth C. - 2022-06-20
Since I began taking Qualia Mind, I've noticed many changes. I'm more calm, focused, and memory recall is faster. The best part is now I finally understand what it means to "flow" or be "in the zone". I'm busy at work without giving attention to distractions now, which means I'm more productive and confident. This product is a total game changer! I'm a monthly subscriber now. :-)
Daniel S. - 2022-06-18
This product is amazing! I notice a greater impact when I get enough sleep, ie. 8 hours, have a cold shower, breathe work, and regular exercise. If you have that extra edge when it comes to cognitive performance? Your in the right place. I’ve tried Alpha Brain and nothing works like this. It works wonders for me, it will work wonders for you. Give it a shot!
Kelly T. - 2022-06-18
I felt more energized and focus. It was incredible! Exactly what I was hoping for. I also noticed a positive shift in more mood and energy level.
Jill M. - 2022-06-17
I love this product! I take 1 pill 3x a day. I always feel focused and motivated! Love it!
Michelle P. - 2022-06-17
I ordered this and received it just before my brother passed away suddenly. It has been incredibly helpful as i try to focus on work tasks.
Melissa T. - 2022-06-16
Best I’ve ever used!
Carol C. - 2022-06-15
Quaila Mind helps me feel more positive and motivated especially for the challenging year I have had. It gives me more energy but not jittery It’s the best product I have tried for feeling better, motivated and positive. Thanks
Helene b. - 2022-06-15 | Beta Tester
I felt mentally sharper and had more mentally energy while taking qualia. It’s an interesting product. I feel like the study I was involved in I made some interesting connections from the balanced runner lessons this month
Sean L. - 2022-06-13
Provides easier access to flow states. Has been an aid in Jiu Jitsu, studying, and music production.
Shane R. - 2022-06-13
On month 3 working so far and minimal side effects