Qualia Mind Reviews

Carlos C. - 2022-06-13
Great product
George H. - 2022-06-12
The balance of energy, focus and clarity has helped me tremendously with studying.
Tyler B. - 2022-06-09
Easily the best supplements i've ever taken. Clarity & drive are at new found heights
zachary w. - 2022-06-09
I love this product. Energy, calm, clear and motivated. And having it all in one bottle makes keeping on top of all the different ingredients extremely time efficient.
Rashi B. - 2022-06-08
This will be my first time trying Qualia Mind, and from the reviews I can tell I’m in for a life changing experience!
Katelyn M. - 2022-06-08
Qualia Mind is the best nootropic on the market, hands down. Helps clear out the brain fog, helps with focus, motivation, determination, creativity. Since taking I have been better able to complete day to day tasks as well as deal with bigger things. I couldn’t recommend it more.
Christian R. - 2022-06-08
You just need to know the science of the ingredients and you will know this is the best product you can get for your mind
leo s. - 2022-06-06
The Qualia products are great. I've tried countless varieties of nootropics but typically after extended use have found them to leave me feeling strung out and dis-regulated. I've been taking both Qualia Mind, Life and Sleep to get on top of a healthy routine and I can say hands down these are the best supplements I have come across. My only criticism is the price point. Paying close to $400 a month with the subscription model is totally insane (I work as a self employed artist). Maybe for a ...Read more.
Louis S. - 2022-06-04
I’ve tried out a lot of “lesser” nootropic supplements. This is the first one that worked immediately and works everytime. The benefits don’t degrade as you get used to the effect. Customer for life
Emily S. - 2022-06-04
I got the performance bundle with life, mind, and night. This honestly works exactly as described!!! I’m extremely impressed!!!
Gregory S. - 2022-06-03
Helps me feel more focused and can work for longer without getting distracted
Dimitriy V. - 2022-06-02
I have noticed a difference but it takes a couple of weeks before you start noticing a difference in your minds performance.
Jonathan T. - 2022-06-02
Super motivated! It really gets the ball rolling. Coffee got NOTHING on Qualia Mind!!
Humberto A. - 2022-06-01
Amazing quality product!
John A. - 2022-06-01
Excellent product, Too expensive for a subscription
Victoria L. - 2022-06-01 | Beta Tester
I have more energy, clarity and focus.
Erick K. - 2022-05-29 | Beta Tester
Subtle but unarguably noticeable increase in focus and mental and verbal acuity. Effects are even - without the spike/crash dynamic that some other analogous products cause.
Shane D. - 2022-05-28
Quick shipping! Haven't taken any dosages of the product, I'm hoping it does what it advertises!
Kaiya M. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
I felt more aware and happy
kim r. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
better recall and energy
Sharon A. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
Jesse R. - 2022-05-26 | Beta Tester
It was really nice taking this product. I could tell my workouts were better, my mindset was better, and was more productive.
Nichelle C. - 2022-05-26 | Beta Tester
I felt a steady surge of clean energy inside of my brain I was able to execute the days work with a clear brain and an immense sense of calm and serene peace yet an abounding amount of energy as well
Mac C. - 2022-05-25 | Beta Tester
Clear thinking
Scott P. - 2022-05-25 | Beta Tester
Great product with noticeable cognitive benefits.