Qualia Mind Reviews

Mark M. - 2024-05-30
This product has become an important part of my morning ritual.
Tyler B. - 2024-05-28
This is the first nootropic I’ve tried and the results were great! I didn’t have any side effects, was able to take on an empty stomach, and experienced a notable improvement in cognitive abilities. Keep up the good work!
Kathryn G. - 2024-05-27
Just took my first dose and am looking forward to seeing how I feel in a month, 2 months, 3 months.
Muriel M. - 2024-05-25
I am excited to try the Qualia Mind 😌 everything I read is positive. Easy to order and arrived very quickly, within a couple days!!! Love the science they give us. I have never seen a product like this with so many ingredients.
Matthew M. - 2024-05-25
very nice
Luis R. - 2024-05-22
I have some form of attention deficit and Qualia mind has definitely improved the way I work and the ability to multitask all together. I absolutely recommend this product.
Kei T. - 2024-05-18
able to tolerate product
Kei T. - 2024-05-18
So far so good, I am able to tolerate it
Maxime D. - 2024-05-17
I've tried many other nootropics and this one is the first that would rate better than just pure black coffee!
Tessa F. - 2024-05-15
I just started this product and really like it. I plan on continuing it to see if it will improve brain fog and memory loss. So far I have increased clarity, alertness and motivation. I’m taking 7 capsules a day as instructed.
Amy R. - 2024-05-08
I love it! I feel energized and clear all day!
jonathan w. - 2024-05-07
After taking 4 capsules daily for about 1 month, I can happily report that I have experienced improvements in my ability to focus, mental clarity, general energy levels and mood. While I would not say that I am necessarily more productive in my work, I am certainly less avoidant of simple tasks in my work and domestic life, which absolutely improves my overall quality of life, and helps me to feel grounded, capable and at ease. Previous to taking Qualia Mind, I was very easily distracted and ...Read more.
Justin V. - 2024-05-01
There are no other companies in the market today who can compare to the highest quality ingredients and craftsmanship of these products.
Aundray N. - 2024-04-30
I use to have a bad stutter when I speak now it's gone
Martha L. - 2024-04-27
This was easy to order, and lots of detailed information came with it!
Jesus Q. - 2024-04-24
So far I have seen improvement in concentration in my daily tasks. Will buy again
Mark V. - 2024-04-19
It’s like my mind has fast internet connection again!
Gabriela G. - 2024-04-19
been taking Qualia Mind for 3 weeks now and loving the focused energy and productivity!
Marla D. - 2024-04-18
I started taking Qualia mind a few months ago, one a day, then two, now three. First thing I noticed was my mood improved as in not having down days. Then I noticed my reading improved, I was ready mystery novels and now I can read books written by Doctors and MBA's without losing my place or forgeting what I read. I'm over 60 so a big deal for me.
Mudit S. - 2024-04-12
Good product
Naheem R. - 2024-04-12
One of the best nootropics stacks I’ve ever tried.
Maria K. - 2024-04-10
Excellent I have been taking the capsules, and I feel like my body has recharge.
Dan D. - 2024-04-05
Hi Everyone, For anyone who has been a little over worked and mentally taxed with an inabsorbanant amount of information I would suggest trying this product. I have been taking Qualia for just over three weeks and the results have been nothing short of just totally AWESOME! One the very first day of taking Qualia the result for me was noticeable within one hour. I had one of the most productive days in a very long time. I had clarity, and was able to focus and multi task on a level th...Read more.
Shani P. - 2024-04-02
Great product for someone who needs to stay focused all day
Lois M. - 2024-04-01
Very Alert Full on Energy