Qualia Mind Reviews

Aldo P. - 2021-05-10
Felt more productive. No crash from the energy.
Martin M. - 2021-05-10
Great supplement. I can drink coffee and take it and not be affected in any negative way.
Jay S. - 2021-05-04
I have never taken any product that delivers like this one does! Clean energy without the jitters. I can think and react to decisions quicker. Helps with getting those of us who are a bit too calm up and running. This is a must try! Try it for a month and feel the difference for yourself.
Forrest B. - 2021-05-03
Month 1: I am pleased with the results so far, pleased enough that I am reordering.
Antjuan F. - 2021-04-23
I’ve been taking Neurohacker’s products regularly, and as directed for over 3 years now. I’m starting to believe that they’ve converged on something like the iPhone of multivitamins. This is your all in one supplement, but smart.
Reid P. - 2021-04-13
I have been taking Qualia Mind for almost a month and I really feel the difference. I am happier and more motivated. I plan to keep on taking it!
Mary P. - 2021-04-13
Have been using supplements for 30 days. More focus, drive, memory improvement.
Kaye O. - 2021-04-13
I am seeing definite improvement in memory recall and mental energy. Thank you
DANIEL F. - 2021-04-13
Can definitely tell a difference in focus and alertness. Will continue
Delia P. - 2021-04-12
My husband and I have been using this product for about a month now and are loving the boost in sustained energy and mental function!
Tracy P. - 2021-04-06
One of the most noticeable changes during my first month is my lack of procrastination. My husband and I have decided to another month to see what happens.
Nicole P. - 2021-04-03
The difference in how I feel is amazing! I just finished my first bottle yesterday, I take 7 in the morning around 8 am, 3 more around 2 pm, and 2 more around 8 pm. I work until 2 or 3 in the morning. I’ve been taking Sunday and Monday as my off days. My life has improved immensely! You can’t go wrong with Metatron right!!🐺🐺🦉🦅
Tyler W. - 2021-04-02
You can tell a difference in the first week of using this product. I use to be lazy and had no drive to better myself, using this product I have the drive to better myself day by day.
Lidia B. - 2021-04-01
I love the focus that comes from the product. Took me about a week to notice the difference but I feel unstoppable.
Dragan M. - 2021-03-30
If you live a relatively sober life and require a no-nonsense smart drug that has had every consideration made, Qualia Mind is for you. If you need a modafinil or phenylpiracetam strength of effect but without the lingering effects, Qualia Mind is your nootropic. Closest thing to a no strings attached smart drug that I have ever had and I have tried dozens. Highest ethical considerations of any product I've ever had.
Richard F. G. - 2021-03-30
Transformative Product. Has taken my focus, attention and creativity to a new level. I cycle on 5 days during the week and off on the weekend. Highly recommend Mind for next level Cognitive Boost.
Shayandeep C. - 2021-03-30
Within a week of using Qualia Mind, I don't seem to have any brain fog. Tiredness by noon gone! Super happy with my purchase.
Ana p. - 2021-03-24
My family and I started using Qualia mind 3 months ago and feel amazing.
Denson M. - 2021-03-24
From the first far after 20min every time. I am super focused and productive with no side effects. Thank God for this product. All the way from the UK. I will there was a local neurohacker. I am a façade engineer and I recommend this product. #LEVELUP..#BEGREAT
Scott B. - 2021-03-22
I have been using Qualia for the past three years, and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. I am a medical student, and this product has aided me in ways I did not think possible. I would not be as successful in school without Qualia Mind, and I advise any students to get your hands on this product. I don't ever take an exam without it, and I try not to ever study without it. Qualia makes my studies so much more efficient, and it gives me the mental endurance to handle the toughe...Read more.
Shannon M. - 2021-03-16
This is the Best Nootropics I have ever taken. Gives me an edge all day. Launching a Saas co. so needed it big time;) Thank you Nuerohackers!
Thomas B. - 2021-03-14
I’ve tried multiple nootropics and is product is the only one where I’ve felt a significant increase in mental clarity and focus. Helps me to excel in my already fast pace career in healthcare industry.
Wilson S. - 2021-03-12
By far the best brain supplement I’ve tried
Jeffrey M. - 2021-03-11
Davis W. - 2021-03-07
Its day besssss