Qualia Mind Reviews

Matthew R. - 2020-10-15
I am one week into taking Qualia Mind and I don't really feel like I want to tell anyone about it and keep it as my little secret. The first day I took these they were amazing, focused and energetic without losing sleep. The following five days I didn't notice too much of a focus difference. But, coming on day 7 I feel great. It could be to the fact I upped the dosage to 12 pills in the morning as opposed to 7, but needless to say. I will be purchasing another round of Qualia Mind! Great stuff.
Gage M. - 2020-10-04
After almost a full month of taking Qualia I definitely feel sharper of mind cognitively more clear. I feel more engaged in conversations and more present in each moment on a whole. Will order again
Guest - 2020-10-01
It’s been going well using this product!
Trevor P. - 2020-09-27
The mental clarity I experience while using this product is bar none. It is not habit forming, but I will certainly use this product long term, with proper breaks, to continue reaping it's benefits.
Timothy A. - 2020-09-27
Upon taking my first dose of Qualia after a 6-8 month stretch without.
Joshua H. - 2020-09-27
Hands down best nootropic I've tried! Positive mood elevation, enhanced focus and drive, 7% increase in recall, and greatly improved intuition are the things I've noticed taking only HALF the recommended serving! 3-4 pills a day. Closest thing to the limitless pill out there. Lasts for 4-6 hours for me. Not all day as advertised on the site but for the benefits I just mentioned it's worth the price.
Joshua D. - 2020-09-21
Seems to work really well when ready or studying. The only thing I would say is that I would rather the caffeine free one next time because I seem to have a lot of good energy and I want to move, so this would be better for the gym.
Jenny L. - 2020-09-17
I have felt the difference between the days that I take the products and when I don't. I take Mind together with Life. Excellent combination. I feel much sharper and perceptive and focused, and so much energy to get things done. So far, it's the best supplement for me there is out there.
igor p. - 2020-09-16
great product, work as advertised,
Jorge C. - 2020-09-15
Awesome nootropic stack , I happy to be using Qualia Mind. I am stoked
Jorge C. - 2020-09-15
Awesome nootropic
MARYAM J. - 2020-09-15
From the day I have started using this product, my productivity and focus on my lessons, work and routine increased other than that I feel like my immune system is getting better and stronger. I don't feel tired and I am more focused. On top of all advantages of this product, Neurohacker's support team works like 24*7 when you send an email you will receive the reply less than one hour regardless of what time is it! and this is amazing, I will buy this product again, and I will recommend it.
Thomas V. - 2020-09-14
Love it
Todd V. - 2020-09-11
I first tried Qualia Sleep and was happy with the results, which lead me to consider Qualia Mind. I was specifically looking for a focus aide, and I wanted to even out the ups and downs in my energy throughout the day. Qualia Mind has noticeably improved my focus and mental clarity. I was slightly worried about the caffeine content (especially since I already drink coffee in the mornings) but the effect is subtle. It also seems to last well into the afternoon, allowing me to function better i...Read more.
Byron C. - 2020-09-11
really improved my focus and attention to detail. This was also maintained throughout the day with no crash
Andrew W. - 2020-09-04
1st product is working well so I've decided to try a few more.
Wyndel H. - 2020-08-25
Been using Qualia for a few weeks now. I have to say that the product is great. Its increased my focus and My memory has gotten a little better. Even when i stop for two days i still feel like Im on it.
Bradlee G. - 2020-08-23
Takes away the blocks that stunt my ability to think and focus I sleep less work longer without as much caffeine ...its almost spiritual
Noelle N. - 2020-08-20
Taking only half dose but I feel more clear and resourceful. Love it
Jose C. - 2020-08-20
Megan G. - 2020-08-16
I've been neurohacking for a few years, mostly buying bulk powders and making my own. But it was becoming time consuming, so I was hoping to find an alternative. I'd heard good stuff about their prior version and it showed up on my radar again at the right time. I've been using it for almost a month and see a definite improvement on a daily basis. More deep focused work for a good 6-10 hours, depending on if it's a fasting day. Then a gentle let down towards the end.
Ryan L. - 2020-08-14
Absolutely love Qualia Mind - Noticeable boost not only during training but in school & studying as well! A1 Product
Brendan B. - 2020-08-11
We have all seen the videos that proclaim great things of a supplement and then you buy them and find out the only thing you gained was very expensive piss. Well Qualia MInd changes all that, they work and they work well so dont waste time on cheap alternatives, you get what you pay for my grandma used to say and what you get with Qualia Mind is results. More focus, more energy, better motiviation, less comfort eating, no mid afternoon tiredness. I bought these as part of my going vegetarian ...Read more.
Patrick K. - 2020-08-10
The taste is a bit fish-like, but not overwhelming. I have taken the product for 6 days (Monday through Friday, weekend off) and I have noticed that my concentration has been dialed in. It seems like a legit product so far.
Grace S. - 2020-08-09