Qualia Mind Reviews

J D. - 2019-12-13
Good stuff
Bodhi J. - 2019-12-11
Clarity and focus are improved but the most surprising benefit to me was better hand-eye coordination and faster reflexes.
Guest - 2019-12-10
Been using it for three months now, regular flow states, feeling mentally strong, balanced, clear and sorted. Procrastination has ended, I just do it. Just an older average Joe who suddenly got focused, now planning and moving forward. It works for me.
Lee J. - 2019-12-07
Qualia Mind is a great product and allows me to maximize my energy output when studying and assist with the retention of what I study.
carlos b. - 2019-11-20
I have plenty of good things to say about this. At first, it almost took me to the hospital because im very caffeine sensitive and i haven't had any caffeine in years, so i took 5 and got an anxiety attack. I started taking 3 and just working my way up, now only taking 5 a day. After 3 weeks i feel amazing. energized, sleep less and wake up feeling amazing, can get a lot more done through out the day and my creativity is a lot higher. I run a real estate business and my marketing, and it has ...Read more.
Eric M. - 2019-11-16
5 stars
Kaleb B. - 2019-11-01
Amazing product that has truly given me a new energy for life
Martha D. - 2019-10-29
I only received my product a week ago, suppose it's because I live in the UK. I started with 1 capsule for 2 days, had terrible headache: stopped for 1 day and tried again with 1 capsule, increasing each day with 1. From today, I am on 7 cap pd. I sleep longer hours, experience more energy and feel less lethargic. Can you please forward the link to the 'after 5 days use' as I wish to complete those now. Many thanks. Marti
Manfred S. - 2019-10-27
Just a week or so into taking Qualia there was a feeling of more clarity and focus. Tried different supplements before and in almost every case there is no real telling about the effect. With Qualia I could observe the difference and I will for sure take it for the time being. My way to connect was through a couple of podcasts with Daniel Schmachtenberger. I highly recommend taking a listen.
Joseph L. - 2019-10-22
Qualia Mind has given me a product that does what it advertises.
Darius D. - 2019-10-22
Within days, brain fatigue was almost nonexistent and productivity was up
Wyatt J. - 2019-10-21
Honestly was skeptical about buying this, but was not disappointed when I got my first order. The staff was very friendly when a shipping issue occurred. 10/10 would recommend to a friend if they wanted to increase their cognitive functionality!
Michael M. - 2019-10-16
Wouldn’t want to go without it
Carlos T. - 2019-10-15
I noticed better short memory, being able to recall long number with no hesitation. Love it!
Gabriel H. - 2019-10-14
Great product ,better focus ,more mental stability through the day ,can’t wait to try Eternus
Tina G. - 2019-10-14
I bought Qualia Mind for my girlfriend to study for pre-bar exams and also because she was experiencing low energy and brain fog. Qualia took away both and made her more happy and creative. It has changed her life and we will continue to be supporters.
ERIC P. - 2019-10-14
I’ve been taking Qualia Mind now for approximately 6 to 8 months. I decided to give it a try based solely on the reviews I was reading and for the fact that I had been struggling with a pretty extreme case of what I can only describe as “brain fog” - a terrible feeling for anyone who hasn’t experienced it, and something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. For me, it started developing a few years ago and, while I have my theories as to why, I won’t go into all that here. I will mention, however, that ...Read more.
Chad F. - 2019-10-12
Qualia provides me with the ability to stay focused and on point when it counts
Tristan B. - 2019-10-11
Took it for a month, noticed increase focus, recall has improved, and my mood seems better. The biggest boost was in confidence in completing tasks and social situations
Benjamin S. - 2019-10-09
Extremely impressed with and grateful for Qualia after 1 month. Look forward to month 2!
Jeff P. - 2019-10-03
Qualia Mind is the best product that I have ever taken! It helps me stay more focused and calm, when performing tasks that can create "mind overwhelm" and my memory seems more accessible as a result! Qualia Mind is an awesome product! I highly recommend it!
JoNell H. - 2019-10-01
I didn't know what a difference this could make, but it has positively impacted so many aspects of my life. Excellent supplement.
Sharon E. - 2019-10-01
I love the product. I believe in the team and I feel better for it.
Mitchell I. - 2019-09-29
Using Qualia Mind has given me the ability to tackle my day more clearly with focused attention and less foggy thinking. I feel like my fast paced spazzed out mind is more in control. I do feel it works that much better when I get proper amount of sleep/rest. It is a great addition to my life but wonder if there would be a tolerance to it where it may not work as effectively. It is more towards the end of my first month with my company ending its month/quarter/fiscal year where I feel a bit e...Read more.
Ricardo C. - 2019-09-28
One of the first things I started noticing when I started using Qualia Min(QM) was the ability to access memories. I liken the experience to a "connect the dots" kinda feeling. Basically, as I understand it QM was literally providing the infrastructure for my memories to reconnect. Now, please take a moment to let that statement sink in. As I was recalling previous life engagements I was processing them with of all my current experience. In essence, I was rediscovering who I was, what ...Read more.