Qualia Mind Reviews

Whitney M. - 2022-06-01 | Beta Tester
Didn’t really do what I expected. Maybe I should have stuck with it longer, but during the period of time I was taking it, I didn’t feel much of a difference
Curtis B. - 2022-06-01 | Beta Tester
Did not feel any effects of the product. Found it hard to correlate anything I was feeling directly to this product
Christopher S. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
It took some time to get used the extra caffeine. My energy levels certainly increased and were sustained through the afternoon.
Marc C. - 2022-05-26 | Beta Tester
It helped my mood. Overall happier with a positive outlook. Potential energy uptick. As far as stress or recall or mind sharpness, didn't see much difference.
Amy L. - 2022-05-24 | Beta Tester
I didn't notice much difference but I felt very subtly calmer
Dan E. - 2022-05-23 | Beta Tester
I didn't experience any notable affect from the product
Crystal G. - 2022-05-23 | Beta Tester
No noticeable changes
Alex W. - 2022-04-27
Definitely, a nootropic that you can notice, but it is way too expensive. I would only take it on days where you need to get things done.
Nathaniel F. - 2022-04-15
Just ordered we will see how this stuff works
Ronald S. - 2022-03-25
have NOT noticed much of a change
Douglas B. - 2022-03-14
I don't notice much difference, but I'll give it more time
Chandra A. - 2022-03-13
Got headaches when I took it and couldn’t tell any difference.
Zachary T. - 2022-02-09
Qualia for starters seems to be decent for the most part, Need a little more time to experiment with the product, however all my ducks are not in a row, one major being, sleep. Once my sleep pattern is stable, I should have a more fruitful review on the supplement, as of now I do not receive the benefactors of this product. due time will tell if that is from un-knowns on my part, or the product itself. we shall see! Fast shipping, great customer service though!!! Sincerely, -Zach
Sharon L. - 2021-12-29
Good quality ingredients. Hoping to see clear benefits!
Sharon L. - 2021-12-29
Good quality ingredients. Hoping for clear benefits!
KERI B. - 2021-11-16
Good product with many valuable nutrients. I bought first shipment at half price so it was affordable. Second shipment will go full price and it is beyond my budget, which includes many, many other supplements. So I have canceled my subscription. But I do think it is a good product.
Fernand B. - 2021-11-05
No impact after 10 days of use 5 on 2 days off. Going to try 2 months and then see if I continue or not.
Richard B. - 2021-10-16
Firstly let me say I already take a lot of supplements, many of which are in QM. I thought why not give it a try with their 30 day guarantee. Many of the reviews mentioned that almost immediate noticeable effects could be felt. I didn’t experience any effects so I canceled my subscription and applied for a refund. I am 76 and in excellent health and don’t take or need any drugs.
Richard B. - 2021-10-16
Firstly let me say I already take a lot of supplements, many of which are in QM. I thought why not give it a try with their 30 day guarantee. Many of the reviews mentioned that almost immediate noticeable effects could be felt. I didn’t experience any effects so I canceled my subscription and applied for a refund.
Anna L. - 2021-10-13
It does give me energy an mental acuity with a side effect anxiety and racing thoughts.
Davis L. - 2021-10-04
Am a meditative guy been like that for almost 4 years now, I have drive on a daily and lots of energy too am yet to feel a big kick with this product but one thing for sure I feel something after taking it! I hope to keep doing that so time will tell at this point.
Renata B. - 2021-10-03 | Beta Tester
My father recommended schedule for 28 days and I didn’t see an effect. I really wanted to.Maybe I need to try it longer?
Jason L. - 2021-08-29
Kept me awake and energized, but it didn't remove any cloudiness or motivate. Like downing 3 espressos. It made my stool loose as well eek. YMMV
Sirena S. - 2021-08-29
have energy no real difference in focus
Tim S. - 2021-08-02
I really like the Qualia Mind. I can notice a difference. I hate the smarmy subscription model. It took me quite some time to order because of it. It reminds me of porn sites and magazine scams. In fact I hate it so much I docked two stars.