Carlos m. reviewed Qualia Mind
I've taken a lot of different nootropics before, but in just a week or so i noticed increased clarity and focus. I'm on a prolonged water fast and I think the qualia a is helping fight brain fog
My "Limitless" Pills
The NZT pill in the movie Limitless might be just a movie plot but the improvements I experience in mood and drive from Qualia Mind is definitely real.
It works!
I have used the Qualia Mind product for one week and it feels like my concentration and desire to work is improving. I gave it a rating of four because I am concerned about the suggestion of not using the product if you have high bp without indicating the impact of doing so. I am taking my bp d...
Game Changer
Qualia was a real game changer for me. It helps cut out the unnecessary noise and allows my mind to perform at what feels like peak performance. I noticed a huge improvement in my emotional stability as well. I am very sensitive to caffeine, so when I was trying Qualia Mind if I took the recommen...