Daniel W. reviewed Qualia Original Stack

almost 7 years ago

6 Months of Increased Agency

I'm in my ~6th month of taking Qualia. After the first order, I knew a subscription would be a good idea. I have a very demanding, creative job in the world of public education, and I hold myself accountable for innovating in that space on behalf of the needs of young learners. Qualia has increased my resilience in facing such an established beast like education while also helping me to understand and innovate in other areas of my life. My capacity to digest complex information and synthesize new combinations of results has clearly been increased by Qualia. I am a family man, a record producer, a public educator, and a futurist, and I am drawing connections between all facets of my selfhood and experiencing significantly higher coherence across the board. Physically, I am more motivated to take care of myself, as Qualia has assisted in my understanding of the synergy between body and mind while also assisting positive physiological changes. For now, there's nothing better on the market to help facilitate improving overall wellbeing, confidence, capacity, empathy, and ambition.

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