Anthony B. reviewed Qualia Mind

about 3 years ago

Amazing product

Qualia is a key that unlocks the innate potential we have in ourselves

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Lee J. December 7, 2019

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Qualia Mind is a great product and allows me to maximize my energy output when studying and assist with the retention of what I study.

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Tessa F. May 15, 2024

So far … I love it!

I just started this product and really like it. I plan on continuing it to see if it will improve brain fog and memory loss. So far I have increased clarity, alertness and motivation. I’m taking 7 capsules a day as instructed.

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Jessica G. July 2, 2022

Focus, productivity, mood

I’m focused and productive with Qualia Mind. And I’m in such a better mood when I take it as well!

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