Sneha A. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 1 year ago

Amazing results- i look forward to start my day with it

I am completely hooked on it. I look forward to starting my day with Qualia Mind before I log in to my work. It helps me stay focused throughout the day and my memory has improved since i started taking it.

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Jorge C. September 15, 2020

Awesome , epic,Magnificent

Awesome nootropic stack , I happy to be using Qualia Mind. I am stoked

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David M. August 6, 2022

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Ty T. August 23, 2021

Good stuff

I’ve been using this product for about four months, I’ve took breaks on it just to test if I’m actually getting results from this product call me when I compare I notice when I do take it that my productivity is to the max

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Mohammad A. January 30, 2022

Noticeable difference immediately

The product works great and you can feel the effects almost immediately. Two thoughts: If the dosage can be lower (7 capsules a bit much Also would help to have a product that improves the focus overtime.

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