Ami S. reviewed Qualia Probiotic+ | Beta Tester
I experienced a general feeling of well-being, and increased energy. I had better control of my appetite. I used a hand held mixer which worked well and made the drink frothy.
Excellent Product. Need Larger Size.
This is a great pre/probiotic. It needs to come in a larger container, with a substantial bulk discount. I want this by the Kilo... or more. Why waste plastic and shipping every month? Give me a 2-year supply please.
Worth the trips to the bathroom
I had a lot of abdominal discomfort with the product at first, but felt sharp through all of it. It definitely promotes healthy stooling and helped me to feel more mental clarity. There were days when I had up to 6 stools which is abnormal for me.
Overall, the product did well, and I felt like I was able to focus and think a bit more easily.
Strong Gut and Immunity
This product is so strong, that any of the issues I had previously are gone. Food digests and is assimilated, strong immune health, and hormones are improving. Excellent product!