Liviu Constantinescu C. reviewed Qualia Mind
I've always had trouble with supplements in that however many supplements of any kind I take, I never really notice any particular differences to anything, ever... I assume the body is getting the fish oil or whatever it needs, but goodness knows if it's doing any good. Contrasted with that experience, Qualia Mind really does make a difference. There's definitely a sense of clear-headedness and improved focus, attention and recall. That's really the highest praise I can give to a supplement. Taking off a star, though, due to the "monthly" bottle actually containing less than a month worth of pills. I understand that it's meant to be taken 5 days on, 2 days off, but if I buy a premium 30-day product, I'd like 30 "on" days worth of pills.
what’s procrastinating?!
Definitely works. When I take this product I notice that I don’t need coffee or an energy. Not only that but the energy feel cleaner and much more sustained and than an energy. I use this product before I go to work and I can still feel the effects after a 9hr shift so much so that I’m able to go...
Qualia Mind rocks!
game changer for productivity! I get a sharp focus and I am able to get things done. definitely increased my ability to be productive!
helped to focus
This product helped to focus, and improve overall mental function.