Wendy C. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
No help with mental focus, in fact I felt a bit more fuzzy-headed than usual.
I have been under a huge amount of mental stress lately, and Focus has made my work days better and helped to me to stay more focused and on track.
I didn’t notice much difference at first. For me, I have almost noticed a cumulative effect. It seems like the longer I take it the more it helps me. I’ve been under a lot of mental stress lately, and I’ve had a hard time staying focused and motivated at work. It seems to help me to stay on task ...
Really good product
Qualia products are amazing and the focus is really good. We're trying to send analytic now for pretty excited. They're a little bit pricey but they seem to be worth a bit every bit of the money.
JPS Focus Study
First couple of days felt jittery. Much better now and feel some improvement, but want to take for another five days before formal assessment.