Andrew C. reviewed Qualia Life

almost 5 years ago

Excellent results

Great product. I have tried similar supplements in the past, nothing else has produced such positive mental and physical results as Eternus.

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Robert B. September 15, 2020

Excellent motivator

I felt it on the second day - I felt more energized, and was able to get things started (always the hardest part)

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Michael B. November 17, 2021

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Shawna V. June 18, 2024


I've been taking this for about two weeks and have had an awesome experience with it. I started with two pills and gradually built up and it gives me an incredible sense of energy and clear mindedness. I love it. I'm going to continue it for as long as I Can

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Jesse R. September 29, 2018

I felt a subtle sense of enhanced awareness. It felt as though I was eberygized and focused but not anxious or jittery.

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