Michael B. reviewed Qualia Mind

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Dalia M. January 19, 2021

Qualia Mind

By the 2nd day, I started to feel amazing. Nothing but positive thoughts and I felt much calmer. I got my boyfriend to start taking them too. I dislike the fact that it’s so pricey but so far so good so, it may just be worth the price. It has a little weird smell to it but that goes away after aw...

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Todd K. November 23, 2021

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Stefanie R. September 4, 2024

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After trying the Qualia Senolytic and loving what it’s doing for me I purchased a few other products including Qualia Mind. It’s only been a few days since I’ve started and will have to update more thoroughly a few months out, but so far I feel clearer minded, increased energy, and generally bett...

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Christopher A. September 15, 2020


The working days do by a lot more smoothly by starting my day with some Qualia Mind supplements. Mental clarity definitely gets a boost, but this supplement must be paired with consistent good quality sleep to see it's true effects.

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