Helena S. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
No side effects and felt better able to deal with stresses of the day.
Great for Stress-Control and Staying on Task
This product definitely helped with my stress levels that would occur at work. During difficult times, I was able to stay calm and stay on task more efficiently than when I wasn't taking this product.
Qualia Resilience is another excellent product
This has been taken with Qualia Mind, a very good product. Qualia Resilience has increased Qualia Mind in terms of lessening stress and increasing confidence.
Stress on stress on stress
A lot of life stressors cropped up during the trial (ironically) so it’s difficult to properly assess how effective the product was, given the extreme circumstances. However, it was nice to have a little boost on board to mitigate my stress response!
Pretty good
Not a very noticeable difference but it didn’t make anything worse.