Sheila M. reviewed Qualia Original Stack
I really believe this product helps me focus and be clearer. I would highly recommend it.
In a world vying for your attention and money, it is refreshing to find a jewel hiding in plain sight. Qualia exceeds its own definition and in my humble opinion sets a benchmark few others will obtain. A remarkable product.
The Significance of Qualia
I've been taking Qualia for about 3 months now and since then I've noticed an significant increase in my mental capacity and ability to focus/hold multiple ideas/thoughts at once and make connections that I'd never made before. I'll get into flow states where ideas and thoughts will just start f...
Feeling Motivated!
I've been using Qualia for 3 months. Every day I wake up feeling alert, focused and motivated - something I haven't felt in a while. I have been working a desk job for 10 years, but Qualia has given me that push to finally pursue a career that makes me happy. In January, I got my CrossFit Level ...