ali e. reviewed Qualia Vision

almost 2 years ago

good ingredients

has the right amount of the main three with added vitamins for extra awesomeness

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Amazing eye supplement

Qualia Vision is simply amazing, been using the product for a little over a month now and I’ve been able to spend much longer behind the screens and have had a much better vision.

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Chris l. June 12, 2021

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The product has been great. I don’t have horrible eye sight but I do notice my eyes are less tired from working on a computer for 8+ hours a day.

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Mason R. February 27, 2021

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Seemed to help with sharper vision. Noticed my eyes weren't dry or burning after teaching on the computer all day!

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Betty G. September 20, 2021

I didn’t notice a difference. Have I had enough time to see results

Need more time on Vision Study

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