Gabriel Contreras C. reviewed Qualia Focus
I recommend this product if you wish to heighten your mental acuity, ALL day. So long as you have your sleep, diet and exercise dialed in to allow it to work, it's not magic people it's science.
Renew Vigor
Overall improved outlook- more motivated taking on challenges. I took it mid-late morning and noticed improved afternoon energy/productivity where I typically would have been fading.
Good experience so far
So far so good, after the first two times of taking Focus it was heavy on my stomach sort of like an acid reflux but drank more liquids (water/mint tea) and that alleviated pretty quick. I've had pretty good amount of drive memory and focus for my everyday tasks and some creative projects
Qualia Focus Review 1
Qualia focus does just that, gives me a little burst of focus and energy. It is not as powerful as Qualia Mind, and that is too be expected. But the short list of quality ingredients does the job to reduce brain fog.
Qualia Mind w/ Focus Study 1
I've been taking this in conjunction with Qualia Mind non-caffeinated & I'm an engineer by trade programming daily. Definitely seems to help me focus better.