Missy T. reviewed Qualia Mitochondria+ (formerly Qualia Life)
Since taking the life supplement for about a month, I feel that I can wake up easier and deal with stressful situations better than I used to. Would recommend this product!
Qualia Life
You can definitely feel a difference. I did a test and did not take Qualia Life for a month and then went back to take Qualia Life. You immediately feel a difference.
Fantastic product for increasing baseline of life experience
The effects are subtle and kick in overtime, but I can definitely discern a general increase in wellbeing. Physiologically, I can also sense a better relationship to sleep, which compounds with the overall increased sense of vitality and energy. Keep making great products!
Clear mind, great energy
I really enjoyed the extra focus and energy, I didn’t feel like I got the afternoon wall as I typically do.