Nate L. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester
Excellent product. It has helped me with handling stressful situations at work that would normally keep me up at night, helps me power through and get a good nights sleep.
Hard to track changes attributable to Q. Resilience, due to great changes in my daily life in the last month.
Lifts my daily motivation
I really like this Qualia product. Since I have started taking it I am noticing a lifting of my mood and outlook on the day. I feel like I have a more 'can do' attitude. I take one capsule in the morning and one in the mid-day.
Great product!
I do see a noticeable difference when using resilience in my mood and it helped me stay calm when I would normally be stressed out.
A product worth trying to help regulate stress responses.
The effects of the product overall were faint, but noticeable. My mood and outlook were slightly improved, keeping my overall stress levels at bay. I'd be curious to try it on a longer termed basis to get a better feeling for it's intended benefit.