Ricardo H. reviewed Qualia Probiotic+ | Beta Tester
Overall the product helped me keep my mood better than usual.
I have had what I thought was a "nervous belly" for years! At least until now ! Qualia Synbiotic helped "ease the queeze" in my belly! and... I love that it has added enzymes and excellent for you fermented foods OH, and it tastes YUMMO!!
Feeling strong after a week of use!
Having some undiagnosable Gi issues for 4 months, I noticed and effect from this product after just a few days of use. Ten days in I have gained some weight back and able to workout harder and more frequently, lessoning GI symptoms, and overall improved mood and energy.
It seemed to move things along faster. Was gassy at first but after 2 weeks I seemed to be regulated.
Excellent product, more noticeable than other probiotics that I have used.
Mixed well with other powders(protein), taste was not unpleasant, overall helped with digestion, bloating, gas, bowel-movements. I feel it contributed to better overall sleep because of the above. Better sleep leads to better overall mood, alertness.