M P. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
2 consecutive days once every month for youthful cellular function? I bought a 4 month supply to give it a good go. I'm hoping to feel like a champion
The benefits unfold and energy wells up. old skateboarding wounds began to heal. Skating at 48, this is Definitely something to add to the stack.
Price? Pricey!
Pretty sure anyone taking this is already taking ten other supplements for basics. I'm not even sure it does anything yet. Hard to add $70 to a monthly vitamin budget. Anything you can do about the cost? I might give it a longer chance if it was a lot less money.
Great product
I have been using for over a year. Love it and will continue.
Cell Insurance
While fasting, I've read that my body enters Autophagy after 14-15 hours. I have already felt the benefits of intermittent fasting for the last six weeks. I plan on continuing to take the monthly dose of Qualia Senolytic as an insurance policy for my cells.