William T. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

over 4 years ago



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Don G. December 12, 2019


Simply Awesome! I really notice when I don't take it!

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Mary Dee K. January 29, 2020


Qualia Focus is working great for me! After taking ginko biloba for 25 yrs, this is stepping up my clarity even more. I do feel good!

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Emma B. February 5, 2021

Helped with focus, but not as impactful as previous experience with Qualia Mind. Though, given it's the less premium version, that is to be expected. I felt more focus in the past when using just Qualia Mind, or just Qualia Nootropic Energy, than Qualia Focus. Still, I felt it gave me sharpness and alertness to where I think the affordability aspect of Qualia Focus makes it viable.

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hector r. January 23, 2021

It helped my focus a lot. Really felt more in the zone at work

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