Mike M. reviewed Qualia Probiotic+ | Beta Tester
Noticed a change after 2 or 3 days. Digestive system seemed more relaxed. Upper GI improvements. Product doesn’t always mix completely, leaving a clump at the bottom. All in one: pro, post, pre + enzymes
Good product
Helped with bloating and feelings of being too full as well as reflux.
Less bloating!
After only 1.5 weeks of taking this product, I’ve experienced less bloating. I wish it was flavored! Gut has been feeling go since starting to drink this.
Flatter tummy, less bloating!
My digestion has been faster, smoother, no food sitting in my stomach.
Working well
I was a bit worried to use since I have IBS and wasn't sure if the fiber would cause problems. The first two weeks were a little rough, it gave me diarrhea! Determined to give it a month, that cleared up and actually helped with my bowel movements! Hurray!