bettina E. reviewed Qualia Mind Energy Shot

over 4 years ago

Remarkable effects

take the qualia shot whever I feel I need a boost whether it is to improve my focus at the beginning o a challenging work day or ahead of a day out skiing or hiking. It is remarkable how it very soon after taking it it imroves my mood and energy, eliminates "mind chatter" while improving focus. It is an extra plus that is is in liquid form (I cannot swallow capsules).

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Ryon D. February 4, 2021

Enjoyed the product.

Very subtle, yet affective. Very little jitters when taken on an empty stomach. A level, consistent amount of energy and clarity with no crash. Increased physical sensations while meditating. Not as noticeable affects when taken with food.

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Louis H. February 12, 2021

Effects out weigh taste by a long shot

Taste is a little intense, but the benefits outweigh that.

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Anthony D. December 3, 2020

Excellent healthy energy

It is like taking a 5 hour energy shot except it lasts for like 8 hours and it don’t give me a bunch of anxiety or the jitters it’s worth a shot you should try it and the taste isn’t too bad I just drink sweet tea right after

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Ciprian C-tin C. January 22, 2020


The product is good in terms of its effects. My comments: (1) the taste you get used to it, but could be smoother rather than feeling a tad sandy/granular. (2) it does have a moderate, consistent calming effect, you just feel calm. (3) is easy on the stomach, can take on empty too. (4) I really d...

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