Blake C. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
Just received my order and feeling off to a good start with Qualia. Ordering process was seamless, description of product was compelling, directions going forward are simple. Looking forward to promising results and returning with an in-depth review!
A couple of weeks after my first two-day dose, I felt invincible! This experience was felt daily for about two weeks straight. It did fade slightly to about an 8 out 10 feeling until my next dose. Best feeling ever. Less mood swings. Husband and kids noticed as well.
Great product and customer service
This is a great easy to use once a month product. I feel a difference overall but since I was fasting i can’t pin point the effects at the moment. On my next dose I will be able to update my review and the customer service is outstanding! thank you.
I feel amazing
Hip and joint pain gone and I have way more energy than I have had in years.