Marian B. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials
I started out slow by taking 1 on an empty stomach early in the morning. I started to feel it work within about 20 minutes. It’s a wonderful clear mind feeling and thinking. I now take 4 and it’s fabulous I get so much done with a peaceful feeling. Thank you
Qualia Focus is working great for me! After taking ginko biloba for 25 yrs, this is stepping up my clarity even more. I do feel good!
Faster Physical Response Time
One of the benefits that I've noticed from taking Qualia Mind Essentials that is that my physical response time has increased. If something slips out of my hand, I'll just reach and grab it midair, (about) 9 out of 10 times, which is something that did not happen before. Thank you Neurohacker Col...
I just received on a Tuesday, and have taken only 3 days so far. Noticed more focus from the first day. Will tell more after taking more.
Just started, 3 days