Logan W. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 4 years ago

Time saver

I feel an uptick of mental energy immediately after consuming Qualia mind. Combining this supplement with peptides such as Semax provides a wonderfully objective and clear sense of presence. I use these in combination to work smarter, not harder.

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Ivan M. August 8, 2023

Good cognitive booster

I have focus and brain fog issues. Qualia mind definitely helped with my issues but is not a permanent fix for them.

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Charles A. December 22, 2021

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Nichelle C. May 26, 2022

Phenomenon known as the Magic that is qualia

I felt a steady surge of clean energy inside of my brain I was able to execute the days work with a clear brain and an immense sense of calm and serene peace yet an abounding amount of energy as well

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Natasza Z. December 13, 2020

Supportive alongside my other mental, physicsal and spiritual hygene practices

I have been taking Qualia Mind for two weeks and so far I sense that it is giving me a subtle and gentle support for mental focus and stamina, not a hyper stimulated, zippy kind of quality. I find that I'm more balanced mentally with an 'I can do it' attitude.

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