Brenda S. reviewed Qualia Mitochondria+ (formerly Qualia Life)
I have spent so much money on other supplements, and I cannot believe the difference in taking Qualia Life for just a week! Focus & energy definitely elevated! Great great product!
Essentially it felt like I was firing on all cylinders when I was taking the product. And not just from my brain but my whole body. I have been so effective and efficient at work that if I end up with a nice raise I will have you to thank. I’ve already been receiving great recognition in the last...
Uplifting outlook improved
This product gives me an over all feeling of well-being. Instead of asking myself, “What do I have to do today?”, I ask, “What can I do today?”.
Pricey but a balanced and complex blend
Overall I like it. It is undoubtedly quite pricey but in looking over the ingredients it is a mix of a ton of various compounds, extracts, and supplements that are generally said to be positive for health and that would cost quite a bit on their own to buy separately (if even at all) - and furthe...
I felt a subtle sense of enhanced awareness. It felt as though I was eberygized and focused but not anxious or jittery.