
Cullen M. - 2021-08-23 | Beta Tester
I felt a heightened sense of my emotions yesterday. It was day one of taking the supplement. It was a type of heightened consciousness, but almost gave a a buzz. As if there was a new type of energy flowing through my body.
Jakob B. - 2021-08-22 | Beta Tester
I didn't notice much difference in the beginning, but that might have been because of lack of sleep. Definitely started feeling more focused and calm after the 4th day of taking the supplement. The effect is subtle, but it's a noticeable difference when I don't take it. I'm able to concentrate more and everything seems just a bit easier.
Joey G. - 2021-08-22 | Beta Tester
This product really increased my focus, allowing me to channel in on one project at a time. Wish it gave a little more energy, but we will see how I feel about it in the next week.
Vincent A. - 2021-08-21
This stuff is amazing đź‘Ź
Barry S. - 2021-08-20 | Beta Tester
Feeling a little less foggy during the day.
Aubrey H. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
It definitely immediately energizes me. It's hard to say whether it's significantly improved focus after dosing just 5 times, but it's definitely doing SOMETHING. There is for sure an acute midly stimulating/energizing effect, and it lasts much longer than a simple cup of coffee does.
Robert T. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
I've been taking this in conjunction with Qualia Mind non-caffeinated & I'm an engineer by trade programming daily. Definitely seems to help me focus better.
Daniel S. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
After reading the ingredients I was concerned about it making me jittery. Not so. I have a low tolerance for caffeine. No problems whatsoever. Does help you focus on tasks with no ill physical effects
Daniel P. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
Definitely helps start the day off but also needs food to go with it, felt a bit nauseated when I skipped breakfast.
Nick B. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
I have noticed increased energy and mental focus when focusing for long periods of time - especially on tasks that I usually find somewhat difficult to get into such as writing about & reading new material.
Ryan N. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
I take this with breakfast in the morning and have noticed a slight increase in my ability to focus since taking this product. I drink two cups of coffee every day and haven't noticed any increased jitters or anything due to taking this, no downsides at all really, I may be having some light heartburn because of it though.
Dave L. - 2021-08-19 | Beta Tester
I have taken it for only four days but so far it seems good
Thomas W. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I am using my workouts to measure the focus
Giovanni C. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I woke up with food poisoning yesterday so I didn't it yesterday or today, but on the days I have taken it, my productivity has been good.
Kane B. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Strong focus for about 5 hrs after 2 days of high productivity. Taking first thing in the morning.
Mario V. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
So far, I've noticed a difference in my ability to stay focused for longer periods of time. I do not seem to have the fatigue that usually comes midday. I work long hours in front of a computer, so this is a pleasant surprise. I'm currently on the 2nd break day, I am looking forward to see how next week goes. Thanks!
michael s. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Much better focus, more energy, an a pleasant morning wake up. No coffee drank, no coffee desired !
David B. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Some slight increases in mood, attention, and sleep.
Daniel B. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
First of all I reflexively took it first thing in the morning with water, that is, not with breakfast. I immediately felt better, as you write, clarity, memory and drive. And, I wonder how much the caffeine in it has to do with that because I am not a caffeine drinker. Another mistake I made was to take it 6 days before I took 2 days off. I did note one distinctly down day which I think was when I didn't take it. I'll be more attentive to that this week.
Desiree R. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I do feel like it allows me to focus more effectively, but it doesn’t last all day. I also seem to be getting a heartburn feeling with it. I have been taking them in the morning after my bulletproof coffee thinking that the fat content would be enough of a “breakfast”; however, I may need to try this with an actual breakfast.
David S. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
A good uptick in focus, possibly a bit too much (100mg) caffeine for me, although the Theanine helps smooth it out.
Jordan F. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Not as much energy as with other products, but that is good in a way. Great focus, but doesn't keep you up so you also have to have a good sleep habit.
Jeremy G. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I have had a consistent elevated focus and motivation, I have more energy and I have an overall elevated sense of things. in particular I am someone with ADD and this supplement has made it easier for me to stay on task
Christian B. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
Effects are subtle, but consistent. I'd describe them as a general increase in clarity and ease of focus for about 4-6 hours after taking before steadily winding down with no noticeable crash.
Abhi S. - 2021-08-18 | Beta Tester
I think this product is ok. I see immediate benefits for a couple hours, but then feel a little tired later on in the day. Also seems to be negatively affecting my sleep according to apple watch data.