
Carolyn W. - 2023-02-28
This has completely helped me focus better and I feel more like myself!
Brandon T. - 2023-02-27
Happy with the results so far
Hollis L. - 2023-02-27
I can feel & see a difference taking these vitamins. My skin is clearer and able to handle stressors (makeup, wind, cold, etc) better without immediately looking dull or producing acne. I spent a long time looking through each ingredient and the purpose for it, I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and results.
Hollis L. - 2023-02-27
I can feel a difference taking these vitamins. I have struggled with insomnia for a long time. These vitamins have helped boost my sleep score from the mid 70s to the mid 80s over the past 3 months. I spent a long time looking through each ingredient and the purpose for it, I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and results.
Hollis L. - 2023-02-27
I can feel a difference taking these vitamins. My mind is clearer and more able to utilize energy. I spent a long time looking through each ingredient and the purpose for it, I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and results.
Alyssa R. - 2023-02-27
Very effective!
Lance R. - 2023-02-26
Love the product use it everyday!
Joachim D. - 2023-02-26
Senolytics are a innovative tool for reviving the body beginning at the most basic cellular level. I myself began researching substances that aimed towards this goal after listening to various speaker’s including Dave Asprey. The idea clicked with me as I have always subscribed to the idea that to maximize the health and rejuvenation of the body one needed to start at the cellular level. The ingredients utilized by Qualia seemed to include the most recognized substances, in the ideal and s...Read more.
Tiffany L. - 2023-02-25
Awesome product! Everyone should try it!
Anton P. - 2023-02-24
It has helped boost my memory power substantially and has helped me achieve my goals in the gym with the focus
Leah B. - 2023-02-24
I’m subscribing to receive once a month (something I never do). Ingredients are well studied, and I’m feeling better and more energetic over the past 2 weeks since taking.
Alyssa M. - 2023-02-24
I really love the Qualia Focus supplement. I have had some memory and focus issues lately and I feel like this really helped to clear some of that up and helped me to be more productive at work. I would definitely recommend!
Devin W. - 2023-02-24
This product is exactly what it clams to be and more
Hayley W. - 2023-02-24
Outstanding compared to my baseline- looking forward to seeing how much good it can do over time.
Desmond M. - 2023-02-23
5 Stars
Sam M. - 2023-02-23
Grateful for this product. Finally something to help me get work done !
Christian L. - 2023-02-23
Amazing product!!! Will continue to use long term 😊
Sneha A. - 2023-02-22
I am completely hooked on it. I look forward to starting my day with Qualia Mind before I log in to my work. It helps me stay focused throughout the day and my memory has improved since i started taking it.
Daniel S. - 2023-02-21
Qualia Night has solved my problem with poor sleep. I have an irregular sleep schedule for work reasons, which means I'm always tired. But now I wake up feeling fully refreshed and alert, and much more motivated to tackle whatever the day brings. I would not hesitate to recommend this product to anyone who wants to remember what a good nights sleep feels like!
Shawna L. - 2023-02-20
I can really tell the difference when I take this. I feel focused and energized and more alert without feeling jittery.
Jan S. - 2023-02-19
My sleep Oura sleep score improved after only a couple of days of using the product. My scores are now 90 and above.
Trey M. - 2023-02-18
My mind is clear, my gears are turning and my motivation to get things done couldn’t be better
Aaron T. - 2023-02-18
Very happy with this product. I feel more centered, energized and can process information on a deeper level. It also elevates my mood which other products did not.
Jeffery T. - 2023-02-17
While fasting, I've read that my body enters Autophagy after 14-15 hours. I have already felt the benefits of intermittent fasting for the last six weeks. I plan on continuing to take the monthly dose of Qualia Senolytic as an insurance policy for my cells.
Aaron B. - 2023-02-17
I have been taking this for a few weeks, now and my focus at work has improved significantly!