
Alex A. - 2022-07-26 | Beta Tester
Qualia Resilience has been a game changer for me. Helping me out on the moments of more stress in my life.
Kim J. - 2022-07-26 | Beta Tester
These helped me feel relaxed and calm. I slept better than I had in weeks. Much calmer and more focused. Especially since I had a couple stressful events happening while I was taking them and I didn’t feel much anxiety.
Kelly M. - 2022-07-26 | Beta Tester
I am under chronic stress with no end in site. Even short term use of this product I felt like “took the edge off”. With continued use results would be even better. As a side note this really helped my neuropathy and gave me a boost of energy. I definitely think this is something everyone could use especially in the times we live in.
Taylor F. - 2022-07-25 | Beta Tester
I have been experiencing an increased level of stress and burnout for the past month, and Resilience supported me in my ability to bounce back, mentally and physically. Even with a heavy load in my life, I have been able to maintain my core routines, such as powerlifting, cardio, sleep, and meal preparation. Being able to feel strong through a storm is important, especially since stress can 'zap' our energy levels and make it challenging to keep up with our most valuable routines.
Aimee A. - 2022-07-25
I have trouble staying asleep and getting into a deep restful state. After taking this a couple of times, I find myself finally resting deeply and able to think more clearly the following day. I also have less anxiety as a result of getting more sleep. I am so grateful for this product and am quickly becoming a fan of all of Neurohacker's products.
kim r. - 2022-07-24 | Beta Tester
Qualia Resilience helped keep my life on an even keel during a very stressful time. I felt calm, able to handle the additonal challenges during unexpected circumstances at work and in my personal life. I am looking forward to adding this to my daily routine.
Sarah F. - 2022-07-24 | Beta Tester
I very much enjoyed being part of this study. The Qualia Mind product combined with the regular Balanced Runner lessons had a notably positive impact on various aspects of my running - the ease and fluidity and power I felt in my daily runs. I did not notice any negative effects from the product in any way. While I could not specifically separate out the benefits of the supplement versuses simply doing the lessons themselves, I certainly felt that I was able to adapt the learnings from the l...Read more.
Abhinandan G. - 2022-07-24
I love this product! On days when I need extra focus (caffeine isn't enough), this comes in so clutch. I typically use it for specially before important meetings or when I need deep focus.
Josh C. - 2022-07-24
I’ve taken many sleep products, and this is one of the few I could notice a difference within a few nights.
Pamela S. - 2022-07-24 | Beta Tester
I was grieving the loss of a loved one when I was taking Resilience and it kept me calm and steady as I moved through these emotions.
Ron W. - 2022-07-24 | Beta Tester
It took a few days for me to notice anything, but once it kicked in I really felt a difference in my day-to-day handling of stress. It didn't make me completely stress free, but when situations came.uo that would normally stress me out I felt I was able to better calmly think through the problem and stay on task. My moods each day became more consistent.
Christopher C. - 2022-07-24
Just received your Focus product. Super fast! Will return with a better review in a few weeks
Gregory S. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
I can’t say that I noticed a profound difference. Having said that, my wife told me that she noticed a difference in my stress response.
Natalie J. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
It helped me balance my energy and keep my reserves replenished. Helped tremendously would recommend
Robert B. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
This has been taken with Qualia Mind, a very good product. Qualia Resilience has increased Qualia Mind in terms of lessening stress and increasing confidence.
Kimberly O. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
I trust this product is having a positive effect but I haven't noticed any difference
Leslie E. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
If you need to stay calm and focused while putting one foot in front of the other, resilience is for you. It helps me stay sharp during the parts of the day that I'd otherwise be starting to crash. No jitters. I appreciate the use of quality ingredients in their most bioavailable forms, liposomal ashwaganda, SOD, all sorts of thoughtful ingredients in there!
Jacob M. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
I felt improved resilience to tackle work tasks.
Mitch M. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
Enjoyed taking the product and felt it overcome my daily challenges of stress.
Jeanne S. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
I felt calmer and in better control while taking this product. I yelled less:)
Daniel F. - 2022-07-23 | Beta Tester
After two weeks of taking the product (5 days on 2 days off) I feel more cal. I still feel stress but I can cope better with it.
Nicholas G. - 2022-07-22 | Beta Tester
Unique product with solid results. It just so happened that this study was being completed at the same time work stressors were increasing. My ability to sit down and focus was highly increased. You'd typically expect a low, fatigue, or exhaustion with prolonged focus... not on the days I took resilience. I was dialed in, more calm, and had a clear mind.
Kyle S. - 2022-07-22 | Beta Tester
Upon taking Qualia Resilience as directed, not only did it manage my stress, but it also supported my brain fog and allowed me to start functioning again within 24-36 hours.
Jay R. - 2022-07-22
This product, on the first try, immediately delivered the results I wanted. I felt more like me! This will be part of my life.
Jason E. - 2022-07-22
Been only taking it for a few days, but it has been fantastic. Clear mind, great energy. Looking forward to seeing how it is after full cycles.