Qualia Magnesium+ Pre-Launch Beta Study Results

Qualia Magnesium+ Pre-Launch Beta Study Results

During the development of Qualia Magnesium+ we put our newest product to the test to find out how users would respond. Here’s what we did, and how participants responded.

qualia magnesium beta study results


Thirty adults volunteered to participate in the study and were sent a two-week supply of Qualia Magnesium+, with instructions to take two capsules each day at dinner. Twenty-five of the participants completed the study. These 25 participants ranged in age from 24 to 60 years old and were a mix of females (N=12) and males (N=13). 

Prior to beginning supplementation, and after taking Qualia Magnesium+ for one and two weeks, participants completed two health-related questionnaires: (1) a magnesium status questionnaire, and (2) a sleep quality questionnaire. Decreases in questionnaire scores from before and after taking Qualia Magnesium+ indicate improvement in both of these questionnaires.*


Health Areas Related to Magnesium Status Improved†*

The magnesium status questionnaire asked about 23 physical (e.g., muscle cramps, muscle twitches, physical fatigue), mental (e.g., concentration, memory, mental fatigue), emotional (e.g., emotional stress, agitation, irritability),and other health (e.g., sleep, stress) areas commonly experienced with poor magnesium status. Higher subjective scores at baseline suggest poorer magnesium status and that a person may benefit from supplementation. A decrease in scores following magnesium supplementation suggests that magnesium status may have improved.*

Twenty-five participants completed the magnesium status questionnaire before and after taking Qualia Magnesium+ for two weeks. Twenty-four out of the 25 participants (96%) had improvements in their scores. The average improvement was 27% (p <0.001). This suggests Qualia Magnesium+ supported health areas commonly experienced with poor magnesium status for this group of participants.†*

Sleep Quality and Satisfaction Improved†*

The sleep questionnaire used in the study asked 8 questions related to sleep quality, including whether sleep was refreshing and satisfying. High scores reflect poorer self-rated sleep quality, so a decrease in scores means a person is rating their sleep as having improved.*

Twenty-five participants completed the sleep quality questionnaire before and after taking Qualia Magnesium+ for two weeks. Twenty-one of the 25 participants (84%) rated their sleep quality as being better after two weeks of supplementation. The average improvement in sleep scores was 25% (p <0.001). These results suggests Qualia Magnesium+ supported healthier sleep quality for this group of participants.†*

qualia magnesium sleep scores

Qualia Magnesium+ was Highly Rated and Well-Liked††*

One week after completing the study, participants were asked to describe their overall experience of taking Qualia Magnesium+. Twenty-four participants responded to this survey. Answer choices were “Excellent,” “Good,” “No Effect,” “Poor,” and “Very Poor.” Eighty-eight percent of participants described their experience as excellent or good. The average rating on a scale of 1-5 stars was 4.38.*†

†Disclaimer: Although these results are highly encouraging, the study was not placebo-controlled and contained a small number of participants. Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings.

††Disclaimer: The survey contained a small number of participants who received the product for free.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please speak with an appropriate healthcare professional when evaluating any wellness related therapy. Please read the full medical disclaimer before taking any of the products offered on this site.