We are seeking 25 participants to partake in a study of a new healthy aging product we have developed. The product is formulated to help the body eliminate the stressed cells that accumulate with aging (i.e., senescent or zombie cells).
The trial and data collection will run for approximately 1 month.
The product will be packaged in capsules, with a dosage of 6 capsules taken on supplementation days. There are 6 supplementation days during the study, with each cycle of two days of supplementation separated by 12 days with no supplementation.
All participants will be given enough capsules of the product for 6 doses (i.e., 3 boxes). Participants will be instructed to take the product for 2 consecutive days, cycle off for 12 days, then take for 2 more consecutive days, cycle off for 12 days, and then take for a final 2 consecutive days. Participants will also be instructed to take the product any time in the morning with or without food.
Participants will be instructed to not begin taking any new supplements while testing this product and continue taking any supplements they are currently using regularly.
All participants will start at the same time on Saturday, November 4th.
Participation Requirements:
Exclusion Criteria: