We are seeking 100 participants to partake in a study of a new product being developed. The product is formulated to support the gut-microbiome, gut-brain axis performance, and to be an all-in-one gut health solution.

The product is a powder that will be mixed with a glass of water and taken daily. The study will last 4-weeks. 

All participants will start at the same time on June 5th. 


Participation Requirements:

  • Provided voluntary, written, informed consent to participate in the study
  • Agree to provide a valid cell phone number and are willing to receive communications through text
  • Participants will be eligible to be included who answer yes to the questions in the baseline screening waiver.
  • Male and female participants 21+ years of age.
  • Willingness to complete questionnaires, records, and diaries associated with the study.
  • Willing to not begin taking any new supplements while testing this product and continue taking any supplements they are currently using regularly.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant during the trial
  • Known food intolerances/allergy to any ingredients in the product
  • Having any of the following conditions: Psychiatric conditions, neurologic disorders, high blood pressure, heart conditions, endocrine disorders, cancer
  • Taking MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric or neurological medicines
  • On immunosuppressive therapy
This beta test has been completed